Winner of Impetus Accelerator Program
Xenopia is a research, art and design project aimed at prototyping a domestic hormones Beta Hcg test as a tool to address reproductive justice and the right to access abortion. We will investigate the historical scientific practices around living interfaces as controlling technologies (i.e. the living pregnancy test Xenopus Leavis frog, mice, seeds). The right to access abortion is under attack and Beta Hcg testing is a mandatory test to access safe abortion but is poorly available for people living in rural areas and in marginalised conditions. Weeks of pregnancy are the playing field on which the war against access to abortion is waged, so we see in this prototype the possibility of facilitating the path autonomously by giving people back control. Collectives defending reproductive rights in countries where abortion is illegal or restricted (as Italy) and safely providing support, do not have access to this kind of easing. With an inter-species perspective, we would therefore develop this prototype and participatory workshops as political act of empowerment and concrete response to reproductive justice.
Xenopia Hack Session, Hacteria ZET Open Science Lab, Zurich 2024
⚡️ XENOPIA Hack Session arriva a Torino ⚡️
una laboratoria per lo studio del ormone Beta hCG e l’hack domestico del test di gravidanza!
Vi aspettiamo Sabato 16 Novembre dalle 15 alle 18
durante HackRocchio al Mezcal Squat a Torino
per prototipare e creare test fai-da-te per monitorare l’ormone beta hCG in casa 👾hackerando i test di gravidanza 👾 ed esplorando i nostri fluidi corporei. 💧 La sessione è aperta a tuttə: partecipa con i tuoi amici, hacker e hacktivisti e porta con te i tuoi tools e la tua elettronica preferita!Se non hai competenze di elettronica ma ti interessa il tema vieni comunque e partecipa alla conversazione sulle tecnologie riproduttive controllanti ☄️
Next Xenopia Hack Sessions:
* 15.12.24 - CyberFemLab - Centro delle Donne, Bologna
XE Research
ChatGPT - research on hCG and clearblue patents
3D Open Source printing Vulva inside/outside - Amy Bravewater
Difendiamo l’aborto - non la legge
EchoPen probe - diy pregnancy ecography
First pregnancy test at home - audio
Gynepunk: Autonomous gynecologyLAB - Hackteria wiki
HCG Antibody - to buy thermofisher
HCG Antibody - to buy merck
HCG Antibody - to buy biorad
IoRodeo Open Colorimeter - docu + product guide + calibration app
Microfluid paper based platform for colorimetric - paper
Multifetal pregnancy reduction - paper
Nitrite Colorimeter - youtubesNitrite-API colorimetric assay - experiment
Novel test device qualitative colorimetric to detect hCG - paper
Open Source Estrogen - Mary Maggic
Open Source Estrogen Repository - Hackteria wiki
Pregnancy test history - clearblue web
Saliva Ovulation fertility test - to buy
Saliva test for pregnancy detection - paper
SATW: diy lab - Hackteria wiki
States where abortion is legal, banned or under threat - Washington post
Test di Gravidanza - wiki
Test a Flusso Laterale - wiki
Test Lateral Flow - video how to make
Vaginal Microbiome - Evvy
Bluetooth Pregnancy test - Hackaday Clearblue open circuit docu - Clearblue
Foone hacking pregnancy test - X
Foone un-building pregnancy test documented - BBCDigital pregnancy tests Leds - Hackaday
Doom Pregnancy Test - Blog Pastemagazine Reading a lateral flow assay - Forum Arduino
Tweeting Pregnancy Test Repository - HacksterTweeting Pregnancy Test Docu - Instructables
Assay Device with Shared Zones - patentClearblue Digital test - manual
Multiple Assay Device - patent
Let’s meet to quick prototype, create and develop DIY tests to monitor the hormone beta hCG at home by hacking pregnancy tests and playing with fluids.
When - Wednesday 23rd October from 5:30pm to 9pm
Where - Hackteria ZET Open Science Lab at Bitwäscherei - Neue Hard 12 (3rd floor) Zurich
The session is free and open to everyone - join with your friends, hackers and hacktivist - bring your fav tools and electronics - snacks & drinks offered from us!
The workshop will be guided by ALMA Futura a collective that combines design, anthropology and science to design low technology tools in the field of education and intimate care.
Our current research project called Xenopia focuses into reproductive justice and the right to access abortion from a biodesign, hacktivist & community approach.
Giulia (co-founder of ALMA Futura) is currently running an artistic residency at Hackteria ZET Open Science Lab in Zurich and at GaudiLab In Luzern, supported by Index Freiraum Stipendium. Xenopia just won the IMPETUS Accelerator Program as part of EU Horizon.
Xenopia Libera è il racconto di una ricerca e un protocollo scientifico sonoro. In un'epoca in cui l'accesso all'aborto è sempre più limitato è urgente fornirci strumenti di autonomia e autogestione. Per questo hackerariamo le tecnologie che ci controllono e reprimono e liberariamo le interfacce organiche viventi che vengono sfruttate. Parliamo di rane usate come test di gravidanza, di ormone beta hcg, di biologia contestativa e di lotte per i diritti riproduttivi.
Xenopia è un podcast scritto, prodotto e raccontato da Alma Futura.
Xenopia è un podcast scritto, prodotto e raccontato da Alma Futura.